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Storytelling your way to succeed in becoming the best prepared candidate for the role

George Eapen

When you are busy preparing for an interview, you might feel a rush of excitement, fear, nervousness, anxiety, and host of other positive and negative thoughts and feelings. Relax! This is very normal. As you prepare for the interview, to maximize your chances for success, it is important to understand this very important fact – companies/firms/employers choose the best prepared candidate and not necessarily the best qualified candidate for the role.

With this key insight in mind, let us help you prepare to be the best prepared candidate for the interview and for the job.

Using storytelling in your interviews can be a powerful tool to help you stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression. To wield storytelling to its fullest power, you need to research a few important aspects about the company and the role. Here are a few tips to consider: -

1. What are the hot topics/priorities/goals for the company/employer? If the company has a website, look at the News section of the website and social media feeds of the firm to understand the top 5 priorities for the company in 2023. Keep a note of these priorities

2. What are the requirements and responsibilities of the role that you are applying for? Is this a new role or has this role been reshaped recently from an old role? This will help you to be fully prepared about the role and tailor your CV and storytelling to best match the role

3. What is the language of the company? What terminology do you need to read up on and understand so that you can speak the language of the company and better relate to the firm

Once you have done your research on the three points mentioned above, you are now ready to look at your CV and reframe your experiences and skill sets to use the power of storytelling to be the “best prepared” candidate for the role

Here are some tips for using storytelling to boost your interviewing skills.

1. Prepare your stories in advance

Before your interview, take some time to think about the stories you want to tell. Look back at your past experiences, both in your personal and professional life, and identify the stories that showcase your skills, strengths, and values. Practice telling these stories out loud so that you can deliver them confidently during your interview.

Write out and rehearse your stories in the CAR format – Challenge/Action/Result. For each story, consider reframing it as three-part story – the Challenge (Situation that you faced in your previous job/role at school/previous employer), the Action you took specifically within the situation, and the outcome or the Result of your actions. When you write out your story that way, you can succinctly communicate your experiences and skillsets in a powerful way through the technique of storytelling.

2. Keep it relevant

While you may have many interesting stories to share, it’s important to keep your storytelling relevant to the job and the company you’re interviewing for.

Think about the skills and experiences that the employer is looking for and choose stories that demonstrate your ability to meet those requirements. Additionally, try to tailor your stories to the company’s culture and values, as this will show that you’ve done your research and are a good fit for the organization.

The pre-work that you did (The 3 tips – hot priorities for the company, the role and the language that is spoken at the company/employer/firm) should help you to tailor your stories and experiences to the most important priorities of the company, the role, and use words from the company’s language to maximize your impact and trust and credibility with the employer.

3. Structure your stories effectively

When telling your stories, it’s important to structure them in a way that is engaging and easy to follow. Start with a brief introduction to set the scene, then move on to the main body of the story, where you describe the situation, the challenges you faced, and the actions you took. Finally, conclude the story with a reflection on what you learned and how you grew from the experience.

You are fully prepared as you are using the CAR format (beginning, middle, end – Challenge, Action, Result) to maximize your impact and relevance when communicating with your interviewers.

4. Be authentic

While it’s important to prepare your stories in advance, it’s equally important to be authentic and genuine in your storytelling. Avoid memorizing your stories word for word, as this can make you come across as rehearsed and insincere. Instead, focus on conveying the key points and emotions of the story in your own words.

Your individuality, style, personality, is a positive reflection of who you are and what makes you YOU. So, be authentic and boldly communicate your stories during the interview.

5. Practice active listening

Finally, remember that storytelling is a two-way conversation. While you’re sharing your stories, be sure to practice active listening and engage with the interviewer. Ask questions, seek clarification, and respond to the interviewer’s cues and feedback. This will help you build rapport and demonstrate your communication skills.

Using storytelling in your interviews can be a powerful tool to help you stand out and make a lasting impression. By preparing your stories in advance, keeping them relevant, structuring them effectively, being authentic, and practicing active listening, you can boost your interviewing skills and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Investing in a storytelling coach to boost your interviewing impact

Whilst preparing for the interview, invest in a storytelling interview coach to boost your confidence, impact, and credibility, so that you are fully prepared to be the “best prepared” candidate for the role.

George at Next Dimension Story is here for you! We have 1-on-1 storytelling coaching for individuals who are eager to crack interviews on their first attempt.

We will help you combine the power of your CV with powerful storytelling so that you can impress the recruiters with a compelling and authentic story. Just having a mere story and degrees won't help you succeed! We help you take charge of your career.

Through our extensive 1 or 2-hour storytelling coaching, you will be ready to elevate your resume and be fully ready for the interview. When you know how to frame your story in the interview process, the nervousness or fear will automatically go away. Moreover, practicing your interview prior to the real one will help you even more!

Therefore, don’t wait! Schedule an interview storytelling coaching session today and be the best prepared candidate for your dream role!

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